Sunday 13 November 2011

Can't go wrong chocolate cake

Over the years I've had several chocolate cake recipes, that have worked well, but this is the best of all of them.  As the title suggests, it just can't go wrong.  As my recipe is a photocopy of a photocopy I'm not 100% sure who's it is, but believe its a Mary Berry recipe.
Basically everything is put in a large bowl and mixed together.  That's it.  The icing is equally easy and depending on how warm it is when applied to the cake can give a variety of textured finishes.  I like to pour it on hot so it dribbles down the sides.
I added Maltesers this time for decoration but forgot how hot the icing was and they soon melted and rolled off!  Doh!  Still it was a good cake for a party, even with milk chocolate Malteser skid marks!

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